
World Football Summit 2016

On behalf of World Football Summit team we would like to say thank you for all of yo ...

Interview with Rick Parry, Ex CEO of Liverpool FC and former head of the FA Premier ...

Liverpool FC Chief Executive Rick Parry looks on during the draw of the quarter-fina ...

Can Football Clubs Succeed at Monetizing Their Social Media Following?

5th  October 2016 When Manchester United last won the Premier League in May 2013, the club’s Twitter page was being followed by just over 1 million people. In September 2016, this number stood at 9.9 million while the club’s pages on Facebook and Instagram were attracting 71m and 13.5m followers respectively at the same time. In […]

The History of Spanish Football

World Football Summit is the first large-scale international event in football indus ...

World Football Summit spot with Marca España

World Football Summit is supported by Marca España, with which we conjunctly prepare ...

World Football Summit Official Presentation

Madrid, June 24, 2016 – World Football Summit begins its journey. The first internat ...

La influencia del fútbol en la “Marca España”

Los éxitos, récords y medallas son sin ninguna duda motivo de alegría para los depor ...

La peculiaridad de la economía del deporte

El economista americano Walter Neale (1964) describió que explicaba el fragrante inc ...

La Premier ante la incertidumbre del “brexit”

Con bastante razón, Richard Scudemore, presidente ejecutivo de la Premier League, ad ...