
“Kicking it Secure: The Growing Need for Cybersecurity in the Football Industry”

· by World Football Summit

The digital-first era is now firmly established within the football industry. Today, digital technology is deeply woven into the operations, fan engagement strategies, and monetization mechanisms of the beautiful game. However, this digital transformation also introduces new risks.

A Cybersecurity Ventures report predicts that by 2025, cybercrime damages will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually, up from $3 trillion in 2015. In an industry that’s become progressively more digital, football isn’t immune to this alarming trend.

One poignant example involves Manchester United, a globally renowned football club that fell victim to a sophisticated cyberattack in late 2020. The attack compromised critical systems, communications channels, and put fan data at risk, leaving a lasting business impact that highlighted the vulnerability of even top-tier football entities to cyber threats.

The Role of Digital Transformation in Football

Football clubs and organizations worldwide have integrated digital tools into every aspect of their operations. As renowned sports analyst Michael Lewis once observed, “The rise of the internet and digital technology has revolutionized the sports industry.” However, this transformation has opened the door for cyber threats.

The Risks and Threats: Why Cybersecurity Matters

The Global Cybersecurity Index reveals a concerning 70% increase in cyber threats in the sports sector over the past five years. A BBC report from 2021 also discloses that 70% of UK sports organizations have experienced a cyber incident or breach, more than double the average for UK businesses. These threats come in various forms:

  1. Data Breaches: Exposing sensitive data such as player contracts, health records, and fan personal information could result in severe privacy violations.
  2. Financial Fraud: Cybercriminals could gain access to financial accounts and transactions, leading to considerable financial loss.
  3. Ransomware Attacks: These attacks involve encrypting an organization’s data until a ransom is paid, causing significant operational disruptions.
  4. Phishing Scams: Fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by disguising as trustworthy entities in an electronic communication.
  5. DDoS Attacks: A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack could overload an organization’s servers, causing websites and online platforms to crash. This could interrupt ticket sales, live streaming of matches, and other digital services.

Consequences of Ignoring Cybersecurity

Ignoring cybersecurity can lead to severe consequences:

  1. Reputation Damage: Cyber attacks can tarnish a football club’s reputation, leading to loss of fan trust and loyalty, and potentially affecting sponsorship deals.
  2. Financial Losses: From paying ransoms to restoring systems after an attack, the financial impact can be significant. This is not to mention potential losses from fraud and theft.
  3. Legal Consequences: Breaches of personal data could lead to hefty fines and lawsuits, especially under stringent regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU.
  4. Operational Disruptions: Cyber attacks can disrupt daily operations, from ticketing to the coordination of matches, causing inconvenience and potential financial loss.
  5. Loss of Competitive Advantage: In cases where strategic plans, player scouting reports, or player performance data are leaked, it could lead to a loss of competitive advantage on the field.

The Benefits of Investing in Cybersecurity

Investing in cybersecurity yields significant benefits:

  1. Enhanced Reputation: Robust cybersecurity measures build trust with fans, players, and partners, demonstrating a commitment to safeguarding sensitive data.
  2. Operational Continuity: Effective cybersecurity protects the stability and continuity of operations, minimizing disruptions from potential cyber attacks.
  3. Legal Compliance: Keeping abreast of cybersecurity best practices helps ensure compliance with data protection regulations, avoiding potential fines and lawsuits.
  4. Financial Protection: Proactive cyber defense measures prevent financial losses resulting from data breaches, fraud, and potential ransom demands.
  5. Competitive Advantage: A strong cybersecurity posture protects valuable data, like player performance metrics and scouting reports, preserving your club’s competitive edge.

A Strategic Framework for Cybersecurity in Football

For football organizations looking to bolster their cybersecurity, we propose a three-step strategic framework:

  1. Assess: Identify and evaluate potential vulnerabilities within your digital infrastructure. Understand where your most sensitive data resides and who has access to it.
  2. Implement: Based on the assessment, develop and implement robust cybersecurity measures tailored to your organization’s specific needs. This could include firewalls, encryption, two-factor authentication, and staff training on cyber threat awareness.
  3. Monitor & Improve: Continuously monitor your cybersecurity measures to ensure they remain effective against evolving threats. Regularly review and improve your security protocols based on the latest cyber threat intelligence.

Introducing a Game-Changing Partnership

In recognition of the mounting cybersecurity threats in the football industry, we are delighted to unveil a strategic partnership with global leader Deloitte. Our shared objective is to significantly enhance the cybersecurity posture of football clubs worldwide. The urgency for clubs to bolster cybersecurity is critical. In this digital era, falling behind on cybersecurity isn’t just risky—it’s playing with fire.

Deloitte WFSEurope

This September 20-21, we invite you to join us at World Football Summit in Sevilla. Learn more about cybersecurity, discover how your organization can tackle cyber threats, and explore our partner’s tailored cybersecurity solutions. Let’s protect the beautiful game together. Secure your spot today and transform the future of your organization.


In an era where digital and football intersect more than ever, cybersecurity has become an essential player on our team. As we kick off our partnership with a leading cybersecurity consulting firm, we are committed to helping football properties enhance their security, maintain trust, and ensure success. With cybercrime predicted to be more profitable than the global trade of all major illegal drugs combined, it’s more important than ever that the football industry takes cybersecurity seriously.

Let’s transform the future of football, together, securely and confidently. You can find put more about the benefits of partnering with Wold Football Summit on this LINK.